Universal Knowledgebase or Information manager
Program "Universal knowledgebase or Information manager" allows to describe
information of the different structures.
On this base system can be described and built all the manner the knowledgebases,
file-cabinets, catalogues, reference books about different objects
(documents, subjects, events, problems and etc.).
The opened system characteristics and remarks allows to describe and systematize heterogeneous
information in united system. Presence of the references to applications and
internet resourses enables to use the system as different cataloguer document,
files, applications, internet resource and etc. The different links between cards
makes possible Relationships interconnected objects.
Universal knowledgebase or Information manager possesses broad possibility
of search. System build flexible querys, form steady-state lists and reports.
System provides the possibility to manage physically separated bases.
System can create the new bases and connect ready bases.
That allows you to perform ready bases exchange.
If you put attachment to directory base,
attachment will work and after moving and opening base.
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screenshot 3