Info. Universal Knowledgebase or Information manager from PBugaev Soft.
In modern conditions Knowledgebase can be described as a set of sowtware tools
to provide search, storage, change in computer memory of complicated structured
information units (knowledges). If knowledge is considered to be a set of
collections of the information which forms the entire description corresponding to some level of
awareness of described subject, event, problem etc.
Software product "Universal Knowledgebase or Information Manager"
allows to describe arrays of knowledges,
related to different areas, and forally shows the information for further consideration.
As a matter of fact the system is Information Manager and it has flexible structure,
powerful internal search system and system of reports.
Universal Knowledgebase allows to manage information describing it as objects
with different properties (characteristics), remarks, supplements (attachments) and internal links.
System properties openness practically allows description of any sort of information.
The system has an ability to use also external sources of information:
electronic documents, internet resourses, applications etc.
The program allows to build as simple reference books, file-cabinets, directories
so and a complex information systems (knowledgebases) with internal and external relationship.